As Seen On
"It tastes just like chicken!" — Barbara Corcoran
As Seen On The Food Network!
Valerie Bertinelli features Vegan Chicken Salt!
JADA was featured on "Valerie's Home Cooking" show on The Food Network. You can watch the full episode, and learn how to make your very own delicious, Australian-inspired Chicken Salt Chips!
JADA Founder, Khasha Touloei, was training to be a physician when he noticed his diabetic patients with high blood pressure could never stick with their diet.
Growing up in Australia, he remembered how his mother would always add Chicken Salt to every meal — usually the ones he would refuse to eat.
Now Khasha and his business partner, Maynard Okereke, took his mother's magical seasoning and made it healthier and available to US consumers. JADA products include a turmeric-based seasoning line as well as their newest product, plant-based Chick'n Mix, which launches on Shark Tank this November.